Is your Company interested in joining ABFN and from there having access to ISSA and all the other advantages of being a member of an active class entity that truly strives for the interests of its associates?
The procedures are very simple: prepare all the following documents and send them to our registered office in Santos / SP, at Santos Dumont Street 133/135 – Macuco – CEP 11015-231, for the attention of the Executive Secretariat.
Please inform us by email as soon as the shipment is made.
After undergoing a first desk review, your request will be promptly submitted to the Board of Directors who always in accordance with the bylaws (see our latest version of the amended Bylaws as of September 2011 under the bylaws icon on the website’s homepage) , will decide on it.
Required conditions and documents:
1) Certified copy of the articles of association, proving to be a ship supplier for at least 5 years, a requirement that, at the discretion of the Board, may be waived if the tenderer is established in the market for a minimum of two years , or in the event participation in the corporate constitution of the proposing company of a person who is or has been a partner of a contributing company.
2) CNPJ card;
3) State Registration;
4) Joint Negative Certificate of Debts, Federal Contributions and Active Debt of the Union;
5) Negative Certificate of the Treasury Secretariat of the State in which it is established;
6) Negative Certificate of INSS Debts;
7) Certificate Regularity of FGTS –CRF;
8) Two statements from maritime customers attesting to their good services;
9) Copy of SICAF registration.
– The interested company should occupy a minimum built area of 100 m² (one hundred square meters), own or rented.
– Have a fixed telephone line registered in the name of the company.
– Have at least one (1) registered employee.
– Have at least one vehicle of their own.
– Have a minimum share capital of 60 minimum wages.
The Executive Board may, if it deems it necessary, convert the admission process into due diligence, set up a special committee to clarify points considered of importance in the examination of the process and require other documents as it deems necessary.
Approved the admission of an applicant with more than 5 years of activity, he will have to pay an admission fee plus an annuity, after which he will be invested as a member of ABFN and ISSA. The admission fee, which will not be due by the meritorious, honorary or collaborating partner, shall be set between 2 (two) and 5 (five) annuities, at the first ordinary meeting of the Executive Board.
Approved the admission of the tenderer who has at least 2 years of activity, he / she must pay the annuity plus the admission fee in the amount corresponding to two annuities, after which it will be invested as a member of ABFN for a period of three years. After these 3 years, you will have to pay a new fee, corresponding to 3 annuities, when you will become a member of ISSA.
If the application is refused, the decision will be communicated to the proposer.
To answer any questions of any kind, please contact ABFN at and we will be delighted to provide any clarifications that may be required.